Jakob Holz

electrical engineering student at Ulm university


Blaustein, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Welcome to my website! This online space serves as my personal notebook on the web to document my past projects, adventures, and valuable learnings. It’s a platform that helps me preserve and remember important moments and experiences so that they don’t fade away with time.

I have a tendency to post irregularly, sharing updates about projects that I find particularly noteworthy and intriguing. Additionally, I often publish course material from my studies that has captured my interest. While the articles primarily serve as a personal archive for myself, I strive to write them in a way that if someone else were to stumble upon them, they wouldn’t feel completely lost or confused.

It’s a testament to my journey of exploration, growth, and creativity. Through this platform, I hope to inspire others, spark discussions, and encourage collaborative learning.

Feel free to delve into the pages of my virtual notebook and explore the various topics I’ve covered. If you find something that resonates with you or sparks your curiosity, I’d be thrilled to hear your thoughts and engage in meaningful conversations. After all, knowledge and inspiration are meant to be shared.

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you find something valuable here!

Sincerely Jakob